I began collaborating with Slow Burn Theatre Company the Summer of 2020 amidst the beginning of the pandemic while enrolled in a social media and strategy class. Slow Burn had just made the disheartening decision to cancel all shows for the remainder of the season. Unable to meet for rehearsals, Slow Burn creatives were unable to create their usual lively content or have meaningful interactions with their followers. Slow Burn leadership felt their online branding was inconsistent. They also agreed that their social media content lacked strategy.
In listening to Slow Burn's struggles and concerns, my peers and I designed a social media campaign based off of a thorough communication audit in which we acquired Slow Burn's foundational background and social landscape. We then preformed a SWOT analysis and constructed the following opportunity statement:
Slow Burn Theatre Company is celebrated by fans, peers and critics alike, and this brand loyalty is mirrored on social media with Slow Burn’s 19,000+ followers on its Facebook page and an overwhelming positive tone through follower comments/likes/loves. While following is strong on its Facebook page, it lags on Slow Burn’s other social channels, including Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. In addition, engagement with followers is low or non-existent across all channels, postings are irregular, and social branding is inconsistent. A social media campaign is needed to help Slow Burn Theatre Co. unify its social media presence through social branding, increase following and engagement across existing channels, and incorporate new channels, such as TikTok, targeting key audiences.
Over the course of a month, my peers and I implemented and evaluated this campaign; we assembled a social media manual, branding guidelines, social media marketing calendar, shared content bank, and a monthly newsletter template. Once these deliverables were handed over to Slow Burn leadership, I assumed the role of copywriter and social media manager for Slow Burn Theatre Company. My responsibilities include managing the social media and marketing content , writing copy, coordinating fundraising efforts, and spearheading the monthly newsletter. Please enjoy some of my Slow Burn Theatre Company work below.
I began collaborating with Slow Burn Theatre Company the Summer of 2020 amidst the beginning of the pandemic while enrolled in a social media and strategy class. Slow Burn had just made the disheartening decision to cancel all shows for the remainder of the season. Unable to meet for rehearsals, Slow Burn creatives were unable to create their usual lively content or have meaningful interactions with their followers. Slow Burn leadership felt their online branding was inconsistent. They also agreed that their social media content lacked strategy.
In listening to Slow Burn's struggles and concerns, my peers and I designed a social media campaign based off of a thorough communication audit in which we acquired Slow Burn's foundational background and social landscape. We then preformed a SWOT analysis and constructed the following opportunity statement:
Slow Burn Theatre Company is celebrated by fans, peers and critics alike, and this brand loyalty is mirrored on social media with Slow Burn’s 19,000+ followers on its Facebook page and an overwhelming positive tone through follower comments/likes/loves. While following is strong on its Facebook page, it lags on Slow Burn’s other social channels, including Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. In addition, engagement with followers is low or non-existent across all channels, postings are irregular, and social branding is inconsistent. A social media campaign is needed to help Slow Burn Theatre Co. unify its social media presence through social branding, increase following and engagement across existing channels, and incorporate new channels, such as TikTok, targeting key audiences.
Over the course of a month, my peers and I implemented and evaluated this campaign; we assembled a social media manual, branding guidelines, social media marketing calendar, shared content bank, and a monthly newsletter template. Once these deliverables were handed over to Slow Burn leadership, I assumed the role of copywriter and social media manager for Slow Burn Theatre Company. My responsibilities include managing the social media and marketing content , writing copy, coordinating fundraising efforts, and spearheading the monthly newsletter. Please enjoy some of my Slow Burn Theatre Company work below.
Curriculum Design
This teaching portfolio contains materials that reflect my strategies for writing instruction and demonstrates my beliefs surrounding different writing pedagogies. Below, you will see a course design and a sample lesson plan for a COMP 1000 Basic Writing Course. Along with a course description, this course design includes a syllabus, learning outcomes, and seven assignments total. The sample lesson plan covers the topic of writing with style. This portfolio speaks to my ability to design an educational course centered on the values of diversity, inclusion, and the freedom of expression.
A writing workshop emphasizing the writing process, reflection, and the production of proficient writing at the sentence, paragraph, and document level. This course prepares students for COMP 1500 through hands-on experience with college level writing conventions.
Practice writing as a recursive process that includes prewriting, drafting, revising and proofreading.
Produce writing for various audiences using appropriate conventions.
Respond constructively to peer writing.
Produce critical reflections on individual processes and growth as a writer.
At the end of each week, students will submit a brief reflection. These reflections will allow students to express their initial thoughts, reactions, and questions to assigned readings and in-class activities. Students will also be encouraged to make connections beyond the classroom and indicate how they can use their new knowledge in real-life situations. (5% of final grade)
Throughout the course, students will be asked to submit 10 commonplace book entries. These entries will provide an opportunity for students to share texts - passages from novels, song lyrics, TV scripts, poems, etc. - that they personally admire. Along with the quoted text, students will provide a brief explanation as to why they enjoy the particular text. (5% of final grade)
For this assignment, students will write a 3-5 page reflection on a time when they were moved by an artistic performance (physical, oral, textual, or visual). (10% of final grade)
Building upon their reflection, students will conduct a stylistic analysis of their selected artistic performance. In 5-7 pages, students will consider the concepts of genre, delivery, purpose, audience, and overall level of style. (20% of final grade)
For this assignment, students will create their own artistic performance in a mode of their choosing. Along with this performance, students will compose a 3-5 page justification explaining choices made regarding genre, delivery, audience, level of style, and how these items contribute to the performance’s overall level of style. (25% of final grade)
This assignment invites students to reconstruct and deliver their performance project for a different audience and a new purpose. (25% of final grade)
At the end of the semester, students will present both their performance projects and their performance recasts for their peers. With this presentation, students will reflect on their creative processes. (10% of final grade)